Monday, December 21, 2015

Resilience In Cancer Patients Seen From Social Support

Resilience In Cancer Patients - Many cases of stress associated with cancer, most patients showed great resilience charge and can be adjusted (Sarafino, 1994). A study of breast cancer patients (Taylor, Lichtman, and Wood, 1984, in Taylor et al, 2000), shows that the emotional state and back pain patients showed normal after experiencing a traumatic event and potentially life-threatening. Most patients reported that their lives changed in some respects, to a better direction. The majority of patients had a new understanding of himself, as an individual a more robust and resilient. Resilience In Cancer Patients Seen From Social Support

Resilience In Cancer Patients - Confidence positively associated with physical illness in terms of developing a more healthy behaviors. Individuals who have a positive understanding of the meaning itself, sure to control himself, and optimistic about the future, will be more likely to make healthy habits earnestly. The relationship between positive beliefs and disease stem from the fact that a positive emotional state believed to be associated with good social relationships (Taylor and Brown, 1988, in Taylor, 2000). Optimism, faith in the understanding of self-control will have more social support, or to be more effective in the deployment during stress (Taylor and Brown, 1994, in Taylor, 2000). Optimistic, understanding of self-control, and self-esteem related to the business of solving problems actively (Aspinwall and Taylor, 1997; Taylor et al, 1992, in Taylor, 2000), which allows individuals to be careful or compensate for events that pressing before all its implications feels.

The ability to cope actively and proactively with respect to health, will minimize the adverse psychological effects of stress. Mood swings, depression, healthy behaviors, and anything else that could potentially support the psychosocial factors, explain the relationship between cognitive processes, search for meaning, and disease progression. Many facts that says that the ability to mancari meaning in events that suppress or traumatic, including severe illness, usually providing psychological adjustment (Mendola, Tennen, Affleck, McCann, and Fitzgerald, 1990; Schwartzberg, 1993; Thompson, 1991, in Taylor, 2000).

Many facts indicate that the positive effects of events that pressing is the search for the meaning of life, to develop ways of solving the problem better, improving social resources the individual, make an important priority, and appreciate the value of social relationships (Leedham et al, 1995; Petrie et al, Rose et al 1995; Shifren, 1996, in Taylor, 2000). Things that determine an individual is able to respond to traumatic events or pressing, without despair, depression, and loss of purpose or meaning, is with resilience and renewed understanding of the meaning.

Human perception of normal, with the characteristics of a positive sense of self, understanding of self-control, and optimistic, looking at the future, show the resources that not only help individuals manage the ups and downs of everyday life, but also assumes a special meaning which helps individuals overcome very, events pressing and life-threatening (Taylor, 1983; Taylor and Brown, 1988, in Taylor, 2000). In the case of life-threatening illnesses, such resources are as a buffer against reality severity of illness and death in the end, in which individuals face a wide range of experience not only with the psychological source of useful, but also the source of resilience.
Based on the above it can be concluded that cancer patients have a good resilience, if you have good self-control, optimism, have a good way of solving problems, appreciate the value of social relationships, and an understanding of the meaning of life.

Resilience In Cancer Patients Seen From Social Support
Sarafino (1997), defines social support as a feeling of comfort, respect, attention or help someone obtained from another person or group. Cohen and Syrne (1985) defines social support as a state useful or beneficial obtained individual from others either derived from social relations structurally include family / friends and educational institutions as well as derived from the social relations that are functional that include emotional support, information, assessment and instrumental.

Gottlieb (Smet, 1994) explains that social support is a real help or action given by people nearby can cause emotional reactions and behavioral changes in people who receive such assistance. Cohen & Syrne (1985) found social support derived from: work, family, spouse, friends in the neighborhood. Social support can effectively reduce the causes of psychological stress when facing difficult times (Cohen & Wills, Kessler & Mc Leod, and Littlefiled, et al).

Forms of social support (Sarafino, 1997):
Emotional Support (Emotional Support): regarding the expression of empathy, concern and attention to the persons concerned orag. Support brings a feeling of comfort, peace, a sense of belonging, and feel loved when stressed
Support award (Esteem support): support in the form of awards occurs via expression of respect (appreciation) positive reception for the person concerned.
Support for the provision of tools (Tangible or Instrumental Support): includes direct assistance such as lending money or objects
Support Information (Informational Support): support in the form of information may include the provision of advice, instructions, methods, or feedback

Understanding resilience, Concept Definition Journal of Psychology Theory

Understanding resilience, Concept Definition Journal of Psychology Theory - Grotberg (1999) suggest that resilience is the capacity of individuals to confront, overcome, strengthen themselves, and to keep the changes experienced in connection with the exam. Every individual has the capacity to be resilient. The concept of resilience focuses on the formation of individual strengths so that difficulties can be faced and overcome. Aspects of resilience >> Factors Affecting Resilience

Definition Resilience According to the Experts Psychology - According Reivich and Shatte (2002), resilience is the capacity to respond in a healthy and productive when facing adversity or trauma, where it is essential to manage the pressures of everyday life. Resilience is a set of mind that allows to look for new experiences and look at life as a progress. Resilience generate and maintain a positive attitude to be extracted. Individuals with good resilience understand that mistakes are not the end of everything. Individuals taking the meaning of the error and use the knowledge to achieve something higher. Individuals galvanize themselves and solve problems wisely, fully, and energetic.
Connor and Davidson (2003) says that resilience is a quality of a person in terms of ability to deal with suffering. Block & Kreman (Xianon & Zhang, 2007) states that resilience is used to express individual capability to survive / survive and are able to adapt in a state of stress and suffering.

Based on the above it can be concluded that resilience is the capacity of individuals to adapt to the circumstances, to respond in a healthy and productive to improve themselves, so as to face and cope with the stresses of everyday life.

Aspects of resilience

Based Reivich and Shatte (2002), there are seven capabilities that make up resilience, namely:
a. Control emotions
Controlling emotions is an ability to remain calm despite being under pressure. Individuals who have a good resilience, using a positive ability to help control the emotions, concentrate and behavior. Express emotions appropriately is part of resilience. Individuals who are not resilient are more likely to experience anxiety, sadness, and anger compared with other individuals, and experienced a tough time to regain self-control when experiencing disappointment. Individuals are more likely to get stuck in anger, sadness or anxiety, and less effective in solving problems.

b. The ability to control impulses
The ability to control impulses associated with emotional control. A strong individual to control his impulses tend mempu control his emotions. Feeling that challenges can improve the ability to control impulses and make more accurate thinking, which leads to better emotional control, and produce a more resilient behavior.

c. Optimistic
Individuals with good resilience are individuals who are optimistic, believing that things can change for the better. Individuals have hope for the future and can mengontroal direction of his life. Optimistic create a more healthy physical and not easily depressed. Optimistic shows that individuals confident in its ability to overcome the difficulties that can not be avoided in the future. It is associated with self-efficacy, the belief in the ability to solve problems and take over the world, which is important in the ability of resilience. Research shows that optimism and self-efficacy are related to one another. Optimistic spur individuals to find solutions and work hard to improve the situation.

d. The ability to analyze the causes of the problem
Analysis of the cause according to Martin Seligman, et al (in Reivich and Shatte, 2002), is a style of thinking that is very important to analyze the causes, namely style explained. It is the habit of the individual in explaining something good or bad happens to the individual. Individuals with good resilience most have cognitive ability to adapt and be able to recognize all the causes considerable difficulties encountered, without being stuck in a certain style of explaining. Individuals do not reflexively blame others for maintaining self esteemnya or free themselves from guilt. Individuals not squander resilience valuable inventory to reflect events or circumstances beyond the control of himself. Individual orients itself on the sources of problem solving into factors that can be controlled, and lead to change.

e. The ability to empathize Some individuals proficient in interpreting what the psychologists say as a non-verbal language of others, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, and determine what others are thinking and feeling. Although individuals are not able to put themselves in the position of others, but was able to predict what people are feeling, and predict what might be done by others. In interpersonal relationships, ability to read non-verbal signs lucrative, where people need to feel and understand other people.

f. Self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is the belief that individuals can solve the problem, possibly through experience and belief in the ability to succeed in life. Self-efficacy makes individuals more effective in life. Individuals who are not convinced by efficacynya like a lost their identity, and inadvertently raised doubts himself. Individuals with good self efficacy, have confidence, grow the knowledge that he has the talent and skills, which can be used to control the environment.

g. The ability to achieve what is desired
Resilience makes individuals able to increase the positive aspects of life. Resilience is the source of the ability to achieve. Some people are afraid to reach for something, because it is based on previous experience, however, complicate the situation would always be avoided. Reaching for something in individuals who are influenced by fear in estimating the true limits of its capabilities.

Connor and Davidson (2003), says that resilience will be associated with the things below:
Personal competence, high standards and tenacity. This shows that people feel as a person who is able to achieve in a situation of deterioration or failure
Believe in yourself, have tolerance for negative affect and strong / tough to deal with stress, This is associated with calmness, quickly perform coping to stress, think carefully and stay focused despite being in trouble
Accept the changes positively and can create a secure connection (secure) with others. It's related to the ability to adapt or be able to adapt when facing changes
Control / restraint in achieving its objectives and how to ask for or get help from others
Spiritual influence, which is sure believes in God or fate.

Factors Affecting Resilience

According Holaday (Southwick, PC 2001), the factors that affect resilience are:
Social support, in the form of community support, personal support, cultural and familial support as well as the communities where individuals live
Cognitive skills, including intelligence, problem solving, the ability to avoid blaming yourself, personal control and spirituality
Psychological resources, ie internal locus of control, empathy and curiosity, tend to seek wisdom from every experience and always flexible in every situation
Social Support
Sarafino (1997), defines social support as a feeling of comfort, respect, attention or help someone obtained from another person or group. Cohen and Syrne (1985) defines social support as a state useful or beneficial obtained individual from others either derived from social relations structurally include family / friends and educational institutions as well as derived from the social relations that are functional that include emotional support, information, assessment and instrumental.

Gottlieb (Smet, 1994) explains that social support is a real help or action given by people nearby can cause emotional reactions and behavioral changes in people who receive such assistance. Cohen & Syrne (1985) found social support derived from: work, family, spouse, friends in the neighborhood. Social support can effectively reduce the causes of psychological stress when facing difficult times (Cohen & Wills, Kessler & Mc Leod, and Littlefiled, et al).

Forms of social support (Sarafino, 1997):
Emotional Support (Emotional Support): regarding the expression of empathy, concern and attention to the persons concerned orag. Support brings a feeling of comfort, peace, a sense of belonging, and feel loved when stressed
Support award (Esteem support): support in the form of awards occurs via expression of respect (appreciation) positive reception for the person concerned.
Support for the provision of tools (Tangible or Instrumental Support): includes direct assistance such as lending money or objects
Support Information (Informational Support): support in the form of information may include the provision of advice, instructions, methods, or feedback

Friday, December 11, 2015

Understanding Media VCD in Learning, definition, paper, According to Experts

Understanding Media VCD in Learning - One media Audio-Visual is media VCD learning According to Brown is a media program distribution or production of master's programs are made in the form of film or video tape and moved or transferred on disc or pieces of plastic through a proper process , which is shaped like a phonograph record. (Borwn. Instruction, Tecnology, Media and Methods. New York: Mc. Graw Hill, 1977. Hlm 237)

Media VCD in Learning - In addition Heinich, also expressed understanding of VCD is a plastic disc used to record sound, images, and even a symbol or a symbol, and also the sound and the picture can be displayed or shown back through the VCD player and a television monitor. (Heinich. Instuctional Media and The New Technologies of Instuction. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1982. Hlm 238)

So is the notion put forward Locatis VCD is an object that is formatted for a television program, whose function can record and display the information in the form of audio-visual. (Locatis, Media and Technology for Education and Training. Sydney: Colombus Toronto London Sydney. 1984. Hlm 210)

From some of these opinions can be concluded that the media VCD learning is complete disc-shaped media containing audio visual subject matter and entered the narrator voice that is useful to describe the objects that have been visualized, usually having a diameter of 12 cm. so that the benefits of learning VCD is very assist teachers in the delivery of ideas or the idea of the subject matter which is informed to the students and between teachers and students have the same perception.
Thus, the media is a channel that is the message and can stimulate thoughts, feelings, and the willingness of students so as to encourage the process of learning in students. The use of creative media will allow students to learn better and can improve the performance of their accordance with the objectives to be achieved.
Media can be human, material, or events that establish the conditions that enable the pupils to acquire knowledge. Skills or attitudes. In this sense teachers, textbooks and school environment is also the media.

Steps VCD media
VCD media utilization of this economic study, also refers to the procedure of learning media utilization proposed by Abidin namely: (Zainal Abidin. Applications Media in Learning. Jakarta: Director General of Higher Education Department of Education. 1998. Hlm 77.)
1. Step preparations
A preparatory step in the utilization of instructional media directed to create interaction between subjects learners with learning media, that all activities and the way to do good teacher associated with itself, students, materials and tools as well as the environment that will be ready for menciptakn interaction is optimized so supporting learning activities effectively and efficiently. Such activities may include:
studying the utilization instructions and accompanying materials for teachers or students who take individual learning,
learn the specific learning objectives, especially with regard to capability and content that needs to be delivered,
meempersiapkan and master the material to be delivered,
noted the basic things that need to be considered,
studying the order and the relationship between the material with other materials,
assigning students to read, summarize, observing, interviewing, or other tasks in relation to the learning will be discussed.

2. Step Implementation
This level is a follow up of everything that was prepared at the preparatory steps including the activities specified in the instructions for use which essentially realize the interaction between students and the media to reach each learning objective that matches the pattern, procedures, and learning strategies used and apply the principle -prinsip active student learning, motivation and others. While these activities may include:
linking the last lesson to be learned with the various techniques of media use,
the topic and objectives as well as the benefits or the importance of the topics to be studied to the extent possible dimediakan,
cultivated always monitored their understanding of the material learned through the media with a question and answer or other means,
or delivery issues through the media and then discussed together,
media can also be used as the final ingredient to match their understanding or perception,
close the lesson by way of summarizing, concluding indicate the order of connectedness material with one another through the media.

Step 3. Follow-up
Next steps in the use of instructional media is intended to explore whether the learning objectives have been achieved. Also intended for strengthening, deepening, and get feedback from the material that has been presented through the media. Included also in this activity is carried out repairs or remediation for those who have difficulties and provide enrichment for those who have achieved well, and obtain information about the use of media inputs for the improvement of learning when to be repeated utilization.

The activities undertaken were:
conduct tests to determine how much the learning objectives are achieved,
soliciting input from various parties about the components and procedures for use of media through questionnaires or interviews,
give the task to discuss, hold a concluding observation, report or other tasks for deepening or strengthening of the material presented,
organize feedback on learning activities that have followed,
conduct remediation for those who have difficulty with the use of the same media or that has been prepared specifically for remedial action.
Understanding Media VCD

Benefits Media VCD
The economic benefits of learning VCD media are:
Teachers more easily deliver learning material economy on economic activity, because VCD teaching media able to present moving images and sounds (audio visual) so that students will more quickly receive the message and stimulate learning.
Media economic study on the subject of national income delivered through learning will be more effective VCD dibandingakan using media examples or actual items, because it uses actual samples or media objects too difficult and complicated. VCD media through the example of learning the movements can be served quickly and easily repeated and in "pause" in accordance with needs.
Students are more motivated and entertained in accepting the subject matter presented through the medium of teaching VCD, making it easier to understand the material on economic activity.

Understanding Media Learning According to Experts

Understanding Media Learning According to the Experts - Media is derived from the word "Medium", which is derived from the Latin "Medium" which means "middle" or "moderate". Understanding these media leads to something that becomes conductive to pass the information on to the recipient of information resources.

Understanding Learning Media - Media is a container or means to convey the information from the sender to the recipient. Media are all forms and channels that can be used in a process of presenting information. (Latuheru. Media Learning Teaching and Learning In The Present. Jakarta: Department of Education. 1988. Hlm 11)

Many limits given in the media to give understanding. Education and Communications Technology Association or the Association of Education and Communication Technology (AECT) restrict the media as the channel used to distribute a message or information. Other limitations are also provided by the National Education Association or Education Association (NEA) which restrict media are forms of communication, both printed and audio-visual and media equipment and should be manipulated, can be heard, seen and read. (Sadiman. Media Pendidilkan Definition, pengembanagn and Utilization. Jakarta: CV. Raja Wali .1984. Hlm 6)
Some experts have given the limits of the understanding of media, among other things:
Hamalik stated that media education is the tools, methods and techniques used in order to further streamline the communication and interaction between teachers and students in the process of education and teaching in schools. (Hamalik. Media Education. Bandung: New Light. 1994. Hlm 12)
Danim stated that media education is a complementary set of tools or used by teachers or educators in order to communicate with students with learners. (Sudarman, Danim. Media Communication Education. Jakarta: Earth Literacy Hlm 97 ,. 1995)
Wildbur schraman mentioned that the media is the messenger of technology that can be used for instructional purposes.
Lislie. J. Briggs explained that the media is the physical means to deliver teaching material or content, such as books, films, slides and others. (Soetomo. Basics of Teaching and Learning Interactions. Surabaya: National Business. 1993. Hlm 197)
Heinich et al say that the medium as an intermediary to deliver information between the source and the recipient. (Azhar Arsyad. Media Learning. Jakarta: King Grafindo Persada, 2002. Hlm 4)

From the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that:
Media is an intermediate container or messages by the message source or influence wants to be passed on to the target or recipient of the message.
The material to be conveyed is an instructional message.
The goal is the process of learning the message recipients (students). (Soetomo. Basics of Teaching and Learning Interactions. Surabaya: National Business. 1993. Hlm 197-198)

Before the term used and popular media, in the world of education has developed words or terms that mean the same that has been used. The first used the term "props" and then "Audio Visual Aids", then hereinafter "Instrucsional Materials" that finally now in use is "Learning Media". Gagne and Brings. (Latuheru. Media Learning Teaching and Learning In The Present. Jakarta: Department of Education. 1988. Hlm 14) says that the learning media is a physical tool to deliver instructional content.
Learning Media Understanding article according to the experts is equipped with a footnote that serve as a reference. hopefully bemanfaat