Friday, December 11, 2015

Understanding Media Learning According to Experts

Understanding Media Learning According to the Experts - Media is derived from the word "Medium", which is derived from the Latin "Medium" which means "middle" or "moderate". Understanding these media leads to something that becomes conductive to pass the information on to the recipient of information resources.

Understanding Learning Media - Media is a container or means to convey the information from the sender to the recipient. Media are all forms and channels that can be used in a process of presenting information. (Latuheru. Media Learning Teaching and Learning In The Present. Jakarta: Department of Education. 1988. Hlm 11)

Many limits given in the media to give understanding. Education and Communications Technology Association or the Association of Education and Communication Technology (AECT) restrict the media as the channel used to distribute a message or information. Other limitations are also provided by the National Education Association or Education Association (NEA) which restrict media are forms of communication, both printed and audio-visual and media equipment and should be manipulated, can be heard, seen and read. (Sadiman. Media Pendidilkan Definition, pengembanagn and Utilization. Jakarta: CV. Raja Wali .1984. Hlm 6)
Some experts have given the limits of the understanding of media, among other things:
Hamalik stated that media education is the tools, methods and techniques used in order to further streamline the communication and interaction between teachers and students in the process of education and teaching in schools. (Hamalik. Media Education. Bandung: New Light. 1994. Hlm 12)
Danim stated that media education is a complementary set of tools or used by teachers or educators in order to communicate with students with learners. (Sudarman, Danim. Media Communication Education. Jakarta: Earth Literacy Hlm 97 ,. 1995)
Wildbur schraman mentioned that the media is the messenger of technology that can be used for instructional purposes.
Lislie. J. Briggs explained that the media is the physical means to deliver teaching material or content, such as books, films, slides and others. (Soetomo. Basics of Teaching and Learning Interactions. Surabaya: National Business. 1993. Hlm 197)
Heinich et al say that the medium as an intermediary to deliver information between the source and the recipient. (Azhar Arsyad. Media Learning. Jakarta: King Grafindo Persada, 2002. Hlm 4)

From the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that:
Media is an intermediate container or messages by the message source or influence wants to be passed on to the target or recipient of the message.
The material to be conveyed is an instructional message.
The goal is the process of learning the message recipients (students). (Soetomo. Basics of Teaching and Learning Interactions. Surabaya: National Business. 1993. Hlm 197-198)

Before the term used and popular media, in the world of education has developed words or terms that mean the same that has been used. The first used the term "props" and then "Audio Visual Aids", then hereinafter "Instrucsional Materials" that finally now in use is "Learning Media". Gagne and Brings. (Latuheru. Media Learning Teaching and Learning In The Present. Jakarta: Department of Education. 1988. Hlm 14) says that the learning media is a physical tool to deliver instructional content.
Learning Media Understanding article according to the experts is equipped with a footnote that serve as a reference. hopefully bemanfaat

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